As an internet network marketer we become so consumed with marketing our businesses online.? So much so that we forget to utilize offline methods like attending networking events. You would think that it would be a logical choice to market our business being that the root word in networking is ?network.?? There are so many reasons that networking events can be great for your business.? One reason is that people get to meet you face to face and are able to make more of a connection with you, the kind of connection that you are not able to make over the internet.? People can shake hands with you and they are able to see the passion in your face that you have for your business.
With that being said, below are four pointers on making the next networking event that you attend a success!
- Dress for Success ? First impressions are very important.? Make sure that your outfit is nice and neat because how you look will reflect on you and your business.? Also, make sure that you do not dress too provocatively.? You want people to pay attention to you and your business.? You want to be taken seriously and be seen in a professional light.
- Make Quality Connections ? Don?t try to rush so that you can be able to speak to all 100 people in the room.? You will come off as superficial to the people you meet.? Make it a point to remember something about the person you are talking to.? One good way is to make notes on the back of their business card once you exchange information.? Do end the conversation politely.? Although you do not want to rush, you also do not want to spend the whole evening with just 2 or 3 people.
- Remember Your Purpose ? At these events they usually serve alcohol and appetizers.? Don?t spend too much time eating and drinking.? You want to be clearheaded when speaking to people about your business so it?s best to keep the drinks at a minimum.? You also want fresh breath and food sometimes causes it to be not so fresh.? Make sure that you bring breath mints with you.? ?Remember is it a networking event. Not net-eating and net-drinking.
- Follow Up ? So many times we go to these networking events and we just take the business cards that we collected and throw them in a drawer. Invest in a business card holder.? This will keep the cards that you collect nice and neat and it also keeps them from getting lost.? When you get back from the event, you should email your new connections a message telling them how much you enjoyed meeting them at the event.? Another good way to keep in touch is to add them as your friend on Facebook.? ?This way if they ever need your product or service, then they will easily be able to get in touch with you.
These are just some simple steps to follow to make the next event that you attend a success.? You will not only make new business connections, but you may also make some new friends too!
To Your Prosperity!
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